
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lots and Lots of PICS!!!!

Wearing big brother's shoes

Hard at work on a rainy day

laundry is my LEAST favorite task but doing it by hand has given me a new appreciation of my washing machine at home!

Wearing Brother Singh's foot flops!

The kids have made very good use of the art kits given to them from Aunt Suzie! (they still have the art supplies!)

Our good friend Adiel Persaud who is feeling "cold" on this 81 degree night!  :)

Rayah loves being held here just as much as she did in Conewango!!!!  =)

Ovita, Salome, Adiel, Rachel Anjoli and Daniel
A very special family to us: The Persauds (not the ones we stayed with- another Persaud family)

These pics show the happiest little girl ever to have captured a real, live BUG!!!

Adiel was our barber of choice!

                                             This is a sign of extreme exhaustion, sleeping while standing....
                                        And then while sitting!  Can you tell how hot it is that night?!
The previously described tooth extraction! (this really is how we got it out!)

                                                              Exhausted Little Boys

Jace with Sister Christine Chan

                                                                      FOOD Pics
Bacon, eggs and plantain for breakfast

curried chicken and rice

 Brandon making soup with a fresh coconut base. Remind him to tell you all about it! This soup had a "unique" effect on the body!  :)

                                                  Fresh Watermelon makes little kids so happy!


curried chicken, rice, pumpkin and plantain

                                                    Cleaning of the Kingdom Hall pics

This is Karen....hard at work (one handed) so not to become overheated.....

I decided she needed some help so she could be more productive at weed pulling!!!!! Karen is a regualar pioneer in the Enterprise congregation.  She is a beautiful sister who handled my picking on her very well!!

this is Janella... a very dear friend here who happens to hate her pic being taken.  We love her and as you can see she is a ton of fun - even when trying desperately to avoid being photographed!

Sister Simon is a pioneer in Haslington and a cheerful, hard worker!

Karen is training me on how to properly pull the weeds of Guyana!


jdc31180 said...

awe it's brooke, haven't been on comp for days and sit here so homesick----loving every picture and comment!!! so proud of u guys and so happy all is working out so well, can't wait to see u guys next month and hear more!!!!
warmest christian love, jnb

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